7/1 American Idol 9 Top 10 Summer Live Tour Updates from Detroit, MI

We are hours away from the first show of the American Idol 9 Top 10. Everyone’s excited and feeling the good energy.

Didi just tweeted:

dbenami: Thank u everybody for your good vibes, amazing energy, and support! I very much look forward to seeing you all tonight! Love and Light! 

Vered Didi Benami dbenami First show today! Yipee! And a Very Happy Birthday to @JasonReeves! Thank u Jason & @kara dioguardi for your most amazing songs! Away we go!

Hey, we need you guys:

Write your Idol Concert Experience

There are tons of Idol fans worldwide who would want to hear about the concerts. Please share your experience to the world! 🙂

But what’s this we heard about Casey James, having a sinus infection? [We hope he’ll feel better soon… He is one of the maybe 5 showstoppers on this tour, he needs to be healthy.]

Casey James is not starting the American Idols Live the way he would have liked. He has picked up a sinus infection, and is trying to nurse his voice back to health before the tour starts Thursday night in Detroit, Mich.

“It started as allergies,” Casey says, “and now my throat has swollen up.”

Casey will perform some songs from his American Idol run as part of his set, but he won’t be reprising one of his most popular numbers: John Lennon’s Jealous Guy.

“When you’ve got two or three songs, to try and get from one emotional state to another in that amount of time, it’s not something I would choose to do,” he says. “If you’ve got a longer set, you can do anything, because you can do it in degrees. You’re not going to go from 0 to 1,000 then back to 0.

“I wanted to show different ranges and different sides of who I am musically, without going completely nuts.”

via Idol Chatter

Hours earlier: Big Mike shares this video, Lee DeWyze’s hidden talent and a photo of Lee and Andrew in the mess hall…

The Idols get their first look at the tour set

When the top 10 for American Idol’s season 9 arrived at the Palace in Auburn Hills to start tour rehearsals this past weekend, the people in charge of the production took them into the arena via one of the entrances the audience will use tonight, as the American Idols Live tour launches in Detroit, Mich.

“We were at the very back of the arena,” Tim Urban says. “We were looking down from as far away from the stage as you could get.”

Katie Stevens says the arena was empty and pitch black. “So we walk in and, all of a sudden, the intro comes on, the lights are coming on, and we’re all sitting there, looking at each other, like, ‘No way,’ ” she says.

“They told us, this is probably the last time you’re going to get to see the show from the audience’s perspective,” Aaron Kelly says. “So it was pretty cool. They played our entrance-shot thing for us. It’s really amazing. I can’t wait to see this place when there are actually people in it.”

“You always wonder what you’re going to look like,” Tim says. “I went and sat back in the very back at one point, watching Siobhan Magnus’ set. She looked so small on the stage. It made me think, ‘When a person’s sitting way back there, looking down at me, what’s he thinking?’ Are they thinking, ‘Wow, he looks really small,’ or are they jamming to the music?”
via Idol Chatter

We don’t know how the producers decide who gets to have interviews but Michael Lynche, Casey James and Andrew Garcia visited FOX2 Detroit, June 30 to chat about the tour and crashing weddings…

The Idols take some downtime in Detroit

The Idols haven’t had a lot of time to themselves as they’ve been rehearsing this week for Thursday’s American Idols Live tour launch in Detroit. But most of them have had a few chances to get away on their own.

Michael Lynche, for instance, went by the old Motown Records house, now the Motown Historical Museum.

“I didn’t get to go in,” Michael says. “I went late at night, and there was a Michael Jackson impersonator there, paying his respects.”

Lee DeWyze, Andrew Garcia, Aaron Kelly, Siobhan Magnus and Katie Stevens went to a Detroit-area Target on Tuesday.

“I was, like, ‘Let’s play a game — let’s see who can’t be recognized,'” Katie says. “I won.”

Siobhan begs to differ, though she admits, “I’m really bad at being discreet, because I hate dressing normal.” Still, Siobhan says, she thinks she was the last one noticed, partly because she was wearing a black sweatshirt and partly because she wandered away from the group.

“They were all looking for the same thing, and I was actually on a mission,” she says. And Siobhan found what she was looking for — a new skin for her iPod. “It’s pinkish, then it has this gold design, which is, like, a very elaborate candy skull.”

The first Idols that shoppers spotted? Lee and Andrew. “When they’re together, it’s just asking for it,” says Siobhan. “Because they’re ‘best friends.’ ”

Andrew says things started to get out of hand once people recognized them and started posting on Facebook and Twitter. “A lot of people started to come after that, so we had to go. It was getting crazy.”

via Idol Chatter

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